Sunday, September 10, 2006

Road trip inside joke

Here is a quick digression from the day-by-day account of my trip to DragonCon 2006 for some background information. In the recent Strong Bad Email "road trip" the following is postulated:
"every good road trip needs a good inside joke that only the people that went on the road trip will get"
This trip followed the rule to the letter. During our expedition to the Georgia Aquarium (see previous post) there were plenty of signs around the touch pools indicating that the proper method of touching the creatures was gently, with two fingers.

originally uploaded by c2jupin.
This was risque enough for our juvenile minds to elicit off-colour jokes for the whole weekend. It also inspired me to create a shirt, available now at the Slashboing Store.

Bask in its aquarium humour! Bask I say! Half the fun is explaining the reference to others!

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Anonymous said...

Il y a encore un autre plaisanterie que vous avez oubliƩe:

Regarde le bug d'eau, la. Il est sous mon cabbage!

Anonymous said...


I bow before you both. You make me happy. And giggly.

Drhaggis said...

The Magician?